Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes pain all over the body, and it can amplify existing pain generators, such as arthritis. People with fibromyalgia often have widespread, migratory muscle aches without any underlying muscle injury, and they generally experience pain more intensely than others. People with this condition may also experience other problems, including fatigue, chronic headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, and emotional and mental distress. For many, the condition can become so debilitating that it disrupts daily life significantly.

Fibromyalgia can be hard to distinguish from other conditions, and getting the diagnosis right the first time can help avoid unneeded tests as you track down the cause of your pain. Moreover, many patients with Fibromyalgias have associated conditions, such as hypothyroidism. Custom-fit assessments to evaluate for other underlying and associated conditions will guide an effective treatment plan. 

Who we serve

Montgomery Alabama and beyond

We hope to serve patients from Montgomery and iits suburbs including Prattville, Pike Road, Millbrook, Wetumpka, Blue Ridge, Deatsville, Coosada, Pine Level Tallassee, Elmore. Tuskegee, & Elmore Springs.

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